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"Lord of Bright Port"

"A Peaceful Day

Aphmau and Lord Burt are talking in Burt's Bright Port home.

Burt: It's good to be home. I see my village has become—well—different while I was away. The roads are gone and the people are astray. Looks like I need to get back to work to restore it to its former glory.

Aphmau: So... what exactly is going on? I've been hearing so many rumors about Lords disappearing, and this—this king—it's like he doesn't want anyone, or rather any village to become any better.

Burt: The King is a vile man. Years ago he was a lord, much like myself and you, but something happened and he became twisted. Not only him but everyone he influenced became twisted and swore ultimate loyalty to him. I myself have lost a few noble guards to him due to his influence. Thank goodness the light protects Azura.

Aphmau: The—the light?

Burt: It's a bond between a Lord and guard that cannot be broken. Only few guards have pure hearts that cannot be tainted into becoming those... Shadow Knights. Anyway, after becoming twisted, he declared himself as King. If a Lord does not surrender his village to him, well, that Lord goes missing. Dead or imprisoned, I know not. I left my village to find a way to put an end to this madness, when I came upon the werewolves and attempted to help, but—well, you see where I am now.

Aphmau: Yes, but can we do anything about this?

Burt: I'm afraid after these recent events our best bet is to stand down and hope the King doesn't come after us. Right now I'm in no shape to find any answers. I think, for the time being, I'm going to rest and secure my village.

Burt takes out a potion and holds it.

Burt: But here, it's—it's not full healing magic, but this is the last of my magic healing potions. (gives the potion to Aphmau) Take it to your friend. I'm sure this will help him.

Aphmau: Thank you. I'll never forget this.

Burt: Consider us even. Now, I need to rest. Good luck on your travels.

Scene change. Aphmau is standing outside Lord Burt's house after the conversation, holding the potion.

Aphmau: Hey guys, Jess here, and welcome to Minecraft Diaries. Now, a lot has happened in the past couple of episodes with the wolf tribe and Bright Port and just everyone in general, and I even found the Lord of Bright Port, Lord Burt. And Lord Burt, as you can see, has currently been taking a little rest right now, but he was kind enough to leave me with this potion for Garroth. (Aphmau begins to walk towards the dock) So, without further ado, let's head on straight back home and we're going to get this potion to Garroth, and hopefully he'll be perfectly fine because Azura didn't give me any news or information or update on whether Garroth is doing fine or not, so I'm assuming and I'm hoping that he's perfectly fine. As much as that kitty over there is adorable and this kitty is adorable—I would love to stop and grab them—but right now we have bigger issues to attend to, which are going to give Garroth this potion that the Lord has given unto me. (Aphmau boards her ship and begins sailing back to Phoenix Drop) And I don't know—a lot of crazy stuff has been going on, and it's all very... complicated, I guess. I don't want to tell Garroth about Zenix, but I have a feeling I'm going to have to as soon as I get back.
